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Lessons from the 64 squares...

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." --Albert Einstein

In high level chess, very rarely will you see an actual "checkmate". Most players at this level recognize when a game is lost several moves before the actual mate. Here, it is customary (and honorable) to resign the game. Yes, players simply quit. Sure, there are times when it is prudent to know when to "throw in the towel". But what happens when you resign too soon? The attached video is an example of this exact occurrence.

Too often, our position in life SEEMS hopeless. We figure there's no reason to continue pushing for that dream, fighting for that goal, pursuing that idea. We have looked at the scenario and said it's hopeless. But have you looked at EVERY possibility? Have you contacted every ally, checked every resource, reviewed every finance option, turned over every stone? If not, hit your pause button and don't quit. You've invested a lot so don't give up so easily. The pain of losing is bad, but it does not compare to the pain of regret. So before you "lay down your king", be sure. Your victory may be one move away. #NOTG #ChessInRealLife #Chess #Persistence #SeeTheBigPicture #BelieveInYou

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