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Make The Road By Walking

Lessons from the 64 squares...

"Stress and worry, they solve nothing. What they do is block creativity. You are not even able to think about the solutions. Every problem has a solution."- Susan L. Taylor

Teaching a student a new chess opening for black. They had a difficult time understanding what made this opening beneficial. Because they were used to playing as white, as black nothing looked familiar. I asked them to "get comfortable with the uncomfortable" and see black's set up from a different angle. From there, their eyes lit up and new possibilities appeared where they previously only saw problems.

Perspective is a priceless asset. Avoiding problems is never the solution. Leadership requires facing the problem and attacking it intelligently. Sometimes that is head on, but other times that means from the flank or from behind. Seeing a problem from a new/different perspective often times is it's own solution. New can be daunting. But never be afraid to look at things differently than others. Ridicule turns to praise very quickly when solutions arise. #NOTG #ChessInRealLife #Perspective #WarriorMindset #ThinkANewThought #Fresh

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