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For the Kulture...

"These 2 black students are playing chess in a black owned building, eating potato chips from a black owned company, while wearing a Tshirt from a Black owned company, while one of them is learning how to play chess from a black chess teacher!"

Much love to Kris Hale for this great pic and her beautiful words that describe this pic so eloquently! As a proud black man and a lover of the game of chess, I am excited when I see pics like this. As I explained to one of my 13 year old students the other day, chess isn't about your age, your nationality, your income bracket, your GPA, your connections, or your social media following. The only thing that separates players is how hard you work at it. Such is life. When you work hard and live a life of "infinite possibilities", amazing things happen! Much love to Jay Bailey and #RCIE, to #SymphonyChips, and to the two students here who will undoubtedly continue building upon the legacy of all those who have laid the foundation for them. #NOTG #ChessInRealLife #Perspective #Limitless #BlackHistoryEveryDay #DontGetOutworked

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